Category: Third Party Administrator
New Website Educates Public on Self-Funding
March 16th, 2016A new website has been launched that educates the public on the fundamentals of the self-funded health plan model.
Self-Funding Success
Created by Insurance Administrator of America and other Society of Professional Benefits Administrators member t… more »
New Proposal for Contraceptive Coverage
September 3rd, 2014On August 22, 2014, the Obama administration proposed new regulations to address the religious objections a number of non-profit organizations and private companies have to providing contraceptive coverage for their employees.
How the Proposal Works
U… more »
Find the Right TPA for Your Self-Insured Level Funded Health Plan
August 27th, 2014If you have decided to consider a self-insured level funded health plan for your business, you’ve made a smart decision. However, an important part of having a self-insured level funded plan is choosing the right Third Party Administrator (TPA).
Choosi… more »
How Self-Funding can Help the Life of Your Business
June 25th, 2014As a broker or employer, you may have heard the term "self-funded health plan" before, but were not exactly sure if it was something that would work for your business or broker client. The truth is, about 75% to 80% of people in employee benefit health… more »
Transitional Reinsurance Fee Not Delayed
August 14th, 2013Beginning in 2014 and continuing until 2016, employer plan sponsors of self-funded health plans are subject to the Affordable Care Act's Transitional Reinsurance Fee.
Transitional Reinsurance Fee
The Transitional Reinsurance Fee is a temporary payment… more »