Category: Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
Contraceptive Mandate Question Thrown Back to Lower Courts
May 25th, 2016The much debated contraceptive mandate has made headlines once again. Only this time it is for a decision not being made.
The Supreme Court vs. Contraceptive Mandate
On May 16, 2016 the Supreme Court of the United States deferred deciding whether fait… more »
Cadillac Tax Postponed
December 23rd, 2015The new 2018 "Cadillac tax" is on track to be postponed until 2020.
Cadillac Tax Postponement
The two year postponement of what has been dubbed the "Cadillac tax" because it applies to high priced insurance, is the most significant of three changes to… more »
Healthcare in the News: King vs. Burwell
June 24th, 2015The Supreme Court of the United States will soon be making a decision on a case that could affect millions of people. The case of King vs. Burwell will decide whether those who use the federal marketplace to buy their health insurance will be allowed to… more »
New Proposal for Contraceptive Coverage
September 3rd, 2014On August 22, 2014, the Obama administration proposed new regulations to address the religious objections a number of non-profit organizations and private companies have to providing contraceptive coverage for their employees.
How the Proposal Works
U… more »
Self-Insured Level Funding Works Alongside the ACA
August 20th, 2014The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has created a multitude of questions and increased carrier rates. Employers want to know how their health plan is being managed and utilized, and what changes they should make (and be aware of) in the coming years.
Self-I… more »